2017 Year in Review

Also the Fall 2017 Review because I don’t see a reason to do two posts on this. In the end, I finished 30 shows this year. I ended up dropping nine at various points in their run, including three from Fall season.

In lieu of numbered scores I’ve arraged the shows into a set of tiers. Inside each tier the order doesn’t matter, so shows will be listed alphabetically.  Anything in the top two tiers is an unreserved recommendation, while the three tiers after those range from “really good” to “ok”. Only one non-dropped show is not recommended at all. So lets get this started.

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#12DaysofAnime 9: Centaurs, Dragons and Adaptional Change

Centaur no Nayami’s anime was, to put it frankly, not very good. This was highly unfortunate since the manga is excellent. So why was the anime bad? Well, there are a lot of reasons, but the main reason is simple: It was too much like the manga.

Kobayashi-san Chi no MaiDragon is, at best, a mediocre manga. On the other hand, its anime is fantastic, easily one of the best shows of the year and leagues beyond the source manga. Why? Well, because it wasn’t all that much like the manga at all.

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Summer 2017 End of Season Overview

Wow yet another season come and gone. From seeming at first like a weak season, this summer had me following more shows than in quite some time, plus not dropping any shows at all! (not that every show I finished was good….). So what was up with this surprisingly excellent season?

Continue reading “Summer 2017 End of Season Overview”